Dublin gets a sprinkling of snow thanks to Cadbury

December 22, 2015

Cadbury are currently running a Christmas countdown promotion called #Cadvent, the promotion will see them delivering festive cheer to 24 locations across Ireland this month. On #Cadvent Day 11, the Cadbury Christmas Helpers visited the ‘I Believe’ Christmas market at CHQ, in Dublins Docklands, where they transformed the stage area into a winter wonderland, by making it snow! To watch a video of this magical moment click on the link below.

To take a look back on all the #Cadvent activity visit www.facebook.com/CadburyIreland and @CadburyIreland on Twitter.

To read more about this, and to watch the video visit: http://www.independent.ie/storyplus/snow-falls-in-dublin-despite-mild-weather-34304416.html