Design Thinking: Where Creativity & Commercialism Collide

June 20, 2017

From creative arts to fintech solutions, Bank of Ireland’s Lesley Tully has seen the whole world of design thinking take shape. In 2014, Lesley Tully, armed with years of experience running and designing major art events, met David Tighe, head of innovation at Bank of Ireland (BOI). Tighe had been tasked with bringing BOI up to speed, with financial innovations fast becoming the primary focus of established banks all over the world.

Tully and Tighe have brought BOI’s Workbench on Grand Canal Dock to life, just for that purpose: connecting with customers in the moment and, when that doesn’t work, connecting with start-ups that can do it better.

This, according to Tully, is what design thinking is. It’s not glitz, or glamour. “It’s human-centred design. The simple byline is ‘solving customers’ problems’. That’s what it is.”

Read more about Tully’s Design for Life approach.