Docklands Volunteer Clean Up

September 5, 2014

We are proud to announce that the 4th annual Docklands Volunteer Clean Up is currently under-way.

This years project is the most ambitious yet with all areas surrounding the Grand Canal Basin, Boland’s Mill and North Wall Quay being targeted. The Docklands Volunteer Clean up is always an enjoyable day that engages local employees with the area while helping to generate a positive sense of community between local businesses.

Over 70 volunteers have stepped up to the plate this year and they are currently sporting vivid red t-shirts while doing their bit to improve the surrounding environment.

Please remember that every little helps and if companies or individuals would like to contribute in any way don’t hesitate to contact Alan Robinson at 086 8126379 or Brídín Mulhall at 087 9430730.

Grand canal dock